Thursday, January 21, 2016

Book Chase Turns Nine Years Old

Just a quick note here to acknowledge an anniversary that I missed yesterday: Book Chase is now nine years old (and I'm a bit shocked at still being here).

In just a few minutes, I am going to post a review of a nonfiction book called Bullies: A Friendship that will be the 1,036th book review posted to Book Chase.  That's one way to measure the blog's longevity, but I measure it in another more important way: in the number of good friends I've made during the past nine years, friends I would have met no other way. Thank you for being here.  You have enriched my life in ways I never expected, and I'm thankful for having met each and every one of you. 


  1. Happy bloggiversary! May there be many more blog posts and good books to come!

  2. Wow, congratulations! Still going strong, too.


I always love hearing from you guys...that's what keeps me book-blogging. Thanks for stopping by.